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Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Journey to Goal

I started a new blog about my clean eating (and my musings on life). I will include an easy, clean recipe with every post. Most of them will just be recipes that I stumble across, but I've also invented some of my own. Hope it will help at least one other person. That is my goal. Oh and I've been eating "clean" for 7 weeks now. Lost 12 lbs. I probably eat 95% clean and the other 5 varies. I'm not worried about calories anymore and I don't stress over eating "bad" foods because most everything I put in my mouth is good and clean. That's all for now. Blogs are a great way to share your daily or weekly progress with others. Tell us how you are doing with your diet. Have you learned something new? Discovered that you love to exercise? Need to vent about Aunt LuLu trying to sabotage your diet? Share all in your diet blog.

Let me know what you think!

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